Extra Tip: The sitting sign

Extra Tip: The sitting sign

Both signs serve non-verbal communication and can be used effectively with children aged 6 to 7. Once these signs have been explained, the children become accustomed to them quite quickly as a rule.

Sign for making a circle of chairsSign for sitting in a circle without chairs


Both signs serve non-verbal communication and can be used effectively with children aged 6 to 7. In preparation, the teacher discusses the procedure with the children. After an acoustic sign has been given, for example a bell, the teacher holds up the sign "making a circle of chairs". All the pupils take their chairs and build the desired ring.
Whereas, if the other sign, "sitting in a circle without chairs" is held up, the children simply sit themselves in a circle, for example, in front of the blackboard. Once these signs have been explained, the children become accustomed to them quite quickly as a rule.


Print these signs and stick them together back to back. To keep them in good shape, have them laminated at the copy shop.



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